Roy Disney

I grew up not too far from Disneyland, so I have many childhood memories that take place in the Magic Kingdom. My high school senior class even got to go to Disneyland for an all night Grad Night celebration. Of course, Walt Disney’s name is everywhere: in the park and on his animated movies, television specials and a multitude of toys too.

But Walt had a brother. I read a story about those two brothers, Roy and Walt, and I found out that Walt was the creative dreamer and his brother, Roy, was a numbers man who was a banker before the brothers opened their animation studio. Walt dreamed up wild ideas, and Roy did everything he could to make them happen. When Walt wanted to move to Los Angeles and pursue filmmaking, it was Roy who borrowed money from their uncle and took care of the finances as the two formed The Disney Brothers Studios.

Walt and Roy were partners. Walt believed that it was his life’s work to use entertainment to improve the lives of the masses. Roy believed his life’s work was to help Walt do what he felt he was called to do.

Partnerships often need a “Walt” and a “Roy” to succeed. One of the aspects that I like best about tutoring and coaching is that I get to play the part of a “Roy” in many people’s lives. I believe that my life’s work is to help others do what they are called to do, and I have found that there is a lot of satisfaction to be found in helping others achieve their dreams.

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