Painting and Creating

We were created in the image of our creator … to create! Everyone expresses their need to create in different ways. Some garden, some sew, some fix up old houses or old cars, (some put together Civil War Balls J ) and others paint. We tend to think that painting is reserved for those who are especially gifted and talented. Knowing that artistic ability is not my gift, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could, with help and direction, create a painting that I enjoy.
My sister invited me to her house in Nashville for a week in October, and there I learned that some studios offer art classes to those that are artistically awkward and inexperienced. My sister, eldest daughter and I spent an afternoon creating “Birds on a Wire.” We not only had a lot of fun, but we walked away with a keepsake that will always remind us of that happy day.

When I returned home, I discovered that my dear artistically-gifted friend, Deborah Swanson, was offering classes in her art studio. (See for more info.) I gathered together with my husband and friends for an evening of art and history as Deborah gave us the background behind Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” that we were attempting to recreate. A grand time was had by all, and it was enormously satisfying to look at our paintings and say, “We did it! We created!”

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